The new 2021 Collectors’ Coins – Decimal Issues of the UK (AKA Check Your Change) is now available to purchase. It can be found in the usual places, e.g. on Amazon:
Or from the publisher (signed copies also available):
Coin Publications new decimal book.
The Check Your Change admin is Mr C H Perkins, publisher of numismatic publications in printed and eBook format. Author of "Collectors' Coins - Decimal Issues of the UK" and other books on British coins and related subjects.
27th March 2022
I recently recall hearing on a radio programe that the 1982-2008 20p will be out of our hands and the royal mint is calling them back. Can you inform me if yu have hered the same, And is it time to start collecting these 20ps especially 2008 and 1982, They do seem to be rare on E-Bay and other sites Thank You.
2nd May 2022
I’d not heard that. I can’t think of a reason why they would want to recall 20p’s of that date range.